Sunday, 22 August 2010

Gmail Video and Audio Chat on Linux!

Google has finally released a plugin for Gmail Voice and Video on Linux! You can download the plugin from here. It detects your Linux distro automatically and gives you the right package file.

Give it a try!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Fwd: MScca-tech awarenezz

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Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:55 PM
Subject: MScca-tech awarenezz

Google has twice as much malware as Bing, Twitter and Yahoo! combined
Pratik P. Ranadive
MSc-CA (2010-12)

Pratik P. Ranadive
MSc-CA (2010-12)

TECH AWARENESS: how cloning works

hello everyone,
                          to see how cloning works just go to this link:

Nitin Malik

First program in Google's Go

please check this blog
By:- Rohan Nabar

Netra---amazing technology

just check this link..its amazin..

By:- Nitin Malik


Few weeks ago I came across a new and interesting term called "NoSQL" databases!
Yes you got it right , its called NoSQL and many of the big big IT companies are using them.
As the name suggests , it has got something to do with avoiding SQL or for that matter the traditional

This thing is not a replacement of RDBMS , ya but they have a different role to play.
when data gets huge and its retrieval takes collectively a lot of precious time in constraint checks, relationship checks
and forming joins in carrying out millions of queries, NoSQL is the solution.
traditional RDBMS focus more on eliminating redundancy and saving storage space.
whereas these databases give more focus on making data redundant so that it takes lesser time to access it.
because the world is moving on to the cloud concept!
Here when the user presses the 'enter' key, he wont like to wait for the response even for half a nano second.
Here people don't care about how much disk is being utilized because the data is not on their machine
its remote on some other server. Hence speed is what matters in this case.

the term which is creating all the buzz is "SCALABILITY" of the RDBMS!

Many companies like Google and Amazon are using them.
Checkout BigTable! its a proprietary NoSQL implementation  of Google.
but there are more and they differ in different manners, most of them store data as key value pair.
there a lot of them , Redis(I tried this one on windows),MongoDB,CouchDB,Cassandra etc etc. and many more.
Have a look at this blog.

By:- Amogh Talpalikar
MSc-ca 2010-12

What is Ubuntu One?

Ubuntu One is the personal cloud service that simplifies your digital life. Imagine buying music and getting it delivered to the computers of your choice. Or synchronizing your files and notes and accessing them from anywhere. Or consolidating your computer and mobile phone contacts and safely sharing documents and pictures with them. Ubuntu One can already do this and more.

ubuntu 10.04 or windows 7 a review
for more 

By:- Rohan Nabar
MSc-CA 2010-12

Hi fellas, this is MSc-CA's official page for Tech awarenezz and Businezz awarenezz...keep chekin nd updatin'